Saturday, June 12, 2010

I was watching the English / USA World Cup today (supporting England because a) my parents grew up there, and b) the USA already wins enough stuff). Imagine my typographical delight that England has names and numbers in Gill Sans, quintessentially English typeface from 1925 or thereabouts. Very few countries can claim to have such a universally known yet specifically national typeface (maybe Switzerland...). I don’t know how much this affects non-typographically obsessed people. Does the British fan recognize (probably subconciously, if at all) the fact that it is a particularly English face? Do people from other countries?
And it’s true unimproved Gill...check out the characteristic overly simple, slightly too tall “1” on Wayne Rooney’s shirt.

1 comment:

  1. They probably just think, "Oooh, our team is sponsored by the Underground!" How delightfully English is that?
    - Donnelly
